Just Nan counted thread and cross stitch designs



Just Nan News & Notes - General Information


 Click for Corrections Advice  

Purchasing Just Nan 

 Click for more information about the Just Nan Designs List

Click for Embellishments Information

Click for Next Releases Information

Click for Stitching Corrections Information

Click for status of WhimZi Frames

  The Just Nan website is for informational purposes only.  We do not operate a retail shop and do not have access to the supplies and linens that are specified in our designs. If you wish to purchase any of our designs or products, please click the Where to Buy button on the left of your screen and contact one of the shops on our shop list pages.  Click the Where to Buy button on the left to access our Shop List pages. 

Just Nan Embellishments 


Just Nan embellishments (beads, charms, etc)  are carefully packaged and included with the specific design for which they are intended. Extra embellishment packs are not available or sold separately. The contents of our embellishment packs are proprietary and under no circumstances released to outside sources. Most are imported; we go out of our way to provide special and interesting touches to our designs to make them unique to both you and us.

For earlier designs where the leaflet and embellishment pack were once separate purchases, Just Nan embellishment packs are no longer available separately from our leaflets. We are very low on supplies for many items and are forced to coordinate what remains with the leaflets we have available.

This policy results from one or more the following circumstances:

  • Manufacturer discontinued or significantly altered embellishment item
  • Manufacturer out of business - major reason!
  • Minumum purchase requirements too high - especially true for items over 2 years old.

We regret having to take this position, but we have no choice. Shops were advised of our circumstances in early 2008 and alerted several times since then to check their stock.

Internet Age Developments Affecting our Embellishments Policy

More recently, Eastern European and Chinese web sites encourage uploading of copyrighted needlework patterns and designs and profit from reselling them.  This practice violates all international copyright agreements!

A Needlework Patrol Organization located in Europe, of which we are a member, monitors this activity everyday.  It is costly and time consuming.  We have had good success working with Eastern European craft and social websites; however, the Chinese sites continue to ignore our requests to respect our copyrights and continue to promote the illegal resale of all designers' copyrighted designs. Furthermore, dishonest individuals on sites such as eBay and etsy continue to scan patterns and attempt to sell digital copies of copyrighted designs.  These infringements cannot be supported by a willingness to provide embellishments and other items necessary to complete a design.

Given these unfortunate consequences of today's connected world, we find that limiting our embellishments to only those products we physically kit and distribute provides our only insurance and protection against this blatant shameful behavior.


Next design releases 


New designs are scheduled for April 2024.  



    Should we find printing errors in any of our designs, we post a correction notice on the web page for that particular design.  If you find an error, please check the web page first. You can enter the JN number (eg. jn250) in our search box and it will take you to the page with the design you have. If you do not find an answer to your question, contact us by using the form on our "Contact Us" page. 

Stitching Questions


Have a question about a stitching instruction in one of our designs?  We take special effort to make our instructions as stitcher friendly as possible.  Feel stumped, read the instructions carefully again.  Still scratching your head?  First, contact the shop where you purchased the pattern for help. They are your best immediate source of assistance. However, if you are still having problems, send us an e-mail with your specific question.  We'll try to help the best we can.   


The magazine made a printing error for Nan's Winter Lace design in 1997.  If you have the magazine, the error is in the symbol table. There was not supposed to be a symbol next to DMC 3042; that arrowhead symbol was to be next to 5113.

Don't ask to see the design, we don't have it any longer.  Just Cross Stitch Magazine was sold to another publishing company; we doubt if they have copies or can tell you anything about the design.  This note is for stitchers who do have a copy.


WhimZi Frames Discontinued

    Regretfully, we announce that we have discontinued selling WhimZi Frames.  Our inventory is gone! These frames designed and produced by Nan, were beautifully made and finished in the USA; however, continued metal and plating price increases caused manufacturing costs to become prohibitive for us and our customers.

Designs List Information

    Our designs list shows the titles that we currently have in our line; however, some titles may have been discontinued since our site was last updated.  If you have not found the title you are looking for on the list and you know it to be a Just Nan design, then it most likely has been discontinued.  Also, due to the short term nature of Limited Editions, we do not place many of these titles on our list. We will keep these designs on our web site for a short period of time after the last copy has been sold to a shop.  Stitchers looking for designs not on our Designs List are welcome to contact us to learn if we are aware of any shops that may still have a copy.  Your best option is to go to eBay or Etsy and search there. Please us the Contact Us page to submit your request.
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